Kasteel activatie 2014
Active from the castle“De Ghellinck” at Elsegem from Fri 16, Sat 17 and Sun 18 -05-2014.- B.C.A. OV-032 Loc:JO10ST Zip: 9790
Het domein is enkel toegankelijk voor verkeer komende vanaf Kerkhove!
NEW PICTURES:We will be active mainly on all HF bands according to propagation SSB & CW and on 2M FM. The qra locator is JO10ST and the castle is situated along the route to Kortrijk in Elsegem. There is a reference for castle award OV-032. The castle goes back to the 16th century and became the property of the family De Gellinck around 1718. Although the castle was surrounded with water it was not really fortified. As so may castles it was pillaged during the French revolution. In the 19th century there have been many structural alterations. During both World Wars there was a lot of damage. After the Second World War the castle wasn’t used any more and in 1973 the whole building burned down. The community of Wortegem Petegem obtained the castle and the park. The remaining buildings are being restored for the moment but financial problems slow down the project. Hope to see you down the log. More info on QRZ.com
Indien mogelijk gelieve te mailen naar ON5MA of je kan aanwezig zijn op de kasteel activatie in domein de Ghellinck te Elsegem
Er zullen 3 trancievers ter beschikking zijn
Bedoeling is om 1 TX volledig in de ether te houden en de 2de voor als er veel volk is kan ook dan deze in de lucht .
Hieronder de lijst van beschikbare uren:
Contacteer de organisator om uw uren door te geven. Ook graag melden indien u kan helpen bij opbouw en of de afbraak: Nic ON5MA
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